
NT White Cards go digital!

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NT White Cards go digital!

In another step to support business, construction workers can now get their official NT White Card delivered to their smartphone wallet.

Celebrating the Territory’s exporters

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Celebrating the Territory’s exporters

Territory exporters are invited to nominate for the Chief Ministers NT Export Awards to celebrate their export successes, innovation and business resilience.

Backing Territory business and entrepreneurs

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Backing Territory business and entrepreneurs

Territory start-ups and entrepreneurs with innovative ideas can now access mentoring and government funding under the refreshed Business Innovation Program (BIP) 2.0.

Rocketing into space from the Territory

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Rocketing into space from the Territory

The space industry has taken an important leap forward in the Territory with the release of the Territory Space Strategy 2022-2026.

Innovation Territory unveils new website

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Innovation Territory unveils new website

Innovation Territory now has a new website – This is your key source for all things innovation.

Recycling infrastructure grants now open

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Recycling infrastructure grants now open

The Northern Territory Government is investing in new recycling infrastructure projects with applications now open for the Northern Territory Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) grant program.

Supporting International Students in the Territory

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Supporting International Students in the Territory

The 2022-23 International Student Wellbeing Grants program is now open.

Cabin crew training takes flight

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Cabin crew training takes flight

The first 30 Territorians to graduate from a new cabin crew training program will now enter the aviation sector and help ease critical workforce shortages.

Territory Workforce Advisory Group announced

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Territory Workforce Advisory Group announced

A new Territory Workforce Advisory Group has been established to support business and industry address critical workforce shortages.

Driving international engagement and economic opportunities

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Driving international engagement and economic opportunities

The Territory’s new International Engagement Strategy launches today to harness our competitive advantages, expand our global reach and respond to a changed international environment.