Other sources of economic data

Northern Territory, Australia and global economic data, including briefs, reviews, exports and development outlooks.

The websites listed below contain information about the Northern Territory's economic performance.

Australian Bureau of Statistics Northern Territory at a glance

Summary statistics on a range of topics for the Northern Territory, including:

  • physical data
  • population
  • vital statistics
  • education
  • employment and wages
  • retail prices
  • agriculture and fishing
  • mineral exploration and production
  • building
  • overseas trade
  • tourism.

Go to the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

NT Treasury economic briefs

Northern Territory economic briefs provide up-to-date analysis of the Territory economy and its performance in relation to the Australian economy. These briefs cover a broad range of economic and social indicators, drawing on various sources of data including Australian Bureau of Statistics and Access Economics.

Go to the Department of Treasury and Finance website.

NT Treasury economic outlook

The Northern Territory’s economic outlook explores a range of key economic indicators and industries, with forecasts produced for economic growth (gross state product and state final demand), population growth, employment growth, unemployment rate, prices (consumer price index) and wages (wage price index).

Go to the Northern Territory Economy website.

This section has information about Australian economic data, including the Reserve Bank of Australia cash rate, economic outlooks and insolvency statistics.

ABARE Australian commodities

In-depth analysis of Australian commodities, including prices, export markets and forecasts.

Go to the ABARE website.

ANZ job ads survey

The ANZ job advertisement series measures the number of jobs advertised in the major daily newspapers and internet sites covering the capital cities each month. It has historically proved to be a very good indicator of future labour market conditions. It is used to forecast employment growth.

Go to the ANZ website.

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Data for a variety of economic, social, and environment indicators.

Go to the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

Exports of primary and manufactured products

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provides information on each state and territory’s trade with the world. Exports of Primary and Manufactured Products is part of a series published each year, providing a valuable account of Australia’s international trade in goods and services.

Go to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website.

Australian Financial Security Authority statistics

The numbers of bankruptcies, debt agreements (Part IX) and personal insolvency agreements (Part X) for each bankruptcy district.

Go to the Australian Financial Security Authority website.

Reserve Bank of Australia

Information about Australia's monetary policy settings.

Go to the Reserve Bank of Australia website.

The following websites provide information about global economics.

Asian Development Bank Asian development outlook

The annual Asian development outlook aims analyses the recent past and forecasts the next couple of years for the developing Asian economies.

Go to the Asian Development Bank website.

International Monetary Fund world economic outlook

This survey is usually published twice per year. The outlook analyses global economic developments for the near and medium term. Topics include:

  • detailed analysis of the world economy
  • issues affecting industrial countries, developing countries, and economies in transition to market
  • matters of pressing current interest.

Go to the International Monetary Fund website.

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