Regional community directories
The Bushtel website provides helpful information regarding the businesses and services located in major remote towns. Links are available to each of the key directories.
- Ali Curung
- Angurugu
- Daguragu
- Elliott
- Galiwin'ku
- Gapuwiyak
- Gunbalanya
- Kalkarindji
- Lajamanu
- Maningrida
- Milikapiti
- Milingimbi
- Ngukurr
- Nturiya
- Numbulwar
- Papunya
- Pirlangimpi
- Ramingining
- Umbakumba
- Wadeye
- Wurrumiyanga
- Yirrkala
- Yuendumu
For more information contact:
Department of Trade, Business and Asian Relations
Small business champions team
Phone: 1800 193 111
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