Business bulletin: 1 December 2022
Boosting training in the Territory
A new $6 million training package from the Territory Government will support more regional and remote Territorians enter into an apprenticeship or traineeship and help businesses fill critical workforce shortages.
From today, businesses based in regional or remote parts of the Territory will receive a $3,000 employer incentive for every new apprentice or trainee they take on.
Employers can use the $3,000 incentive to cover the additional costs a business incurs when taking on a new apprentice or trainee. The bonus incentive is limited to 10 apprentices/trainees per employer.
This $3 million employer incentives package is designed to get Territorians into a job, help businesses improve local capability and drive economic development in the Territory.
A further $3 million has been injected to the User Choice program to boost registered training organisations (RTOs) deliver training for apprenticeships and traineeships in regional and remote parts of the Territory.
The User Choice program provides flexibility for apprentices, trainees and their employers to select a preferred training provider to deliver accredited training to meet their specific needs.
This additional funding aims to increase the level of training delivered in regional and remote areas and unlock new opportunities for businesses to invest in new apprentices and trainees and build their workforce.
For further information about the $3,000 employer incentive payment contact the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network on 8935 8200.
For more information on User Choice Funding visit
EOI for NT businesses for Perth oil and gas delegation

The Australasian Oil, Gas and Energy exhibition and conference (AOG Energy) is Australia’s leading oil, gas and energy service and supply event. AOG Energy showcases the latest products and services and provides an opportunity for companies to network with industry operators, sub-contractors and service providers.
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade will lead a Northern Territory business delegation to AOG Energy conference and is seeking expressions of interest from local industry and company representatives who service and supply the oil, gas and energy industries (or wish to become involved in the industry) to attend the event in Perth from 15 – 17 March 2023.
For more information or to get a copy of the EOI, call 8946 9559 or email before Friday 9 December 2022.
Registrations are now open for 2023 Food Futures Conference

The Northern Australia Food Futures Conference is Australia’s leading conference on agricultural development in the North and will take place in Darwin next year, 22-25 May, with the theme Northern Myths, Opportunities and Realities.
The conference is integral in driving expansion in the north and places northern agriculture on the national agenda attracting investors, politicians, industry and community stakeholders from around Australia and the world, to explore agricultural opportunities in the north.
The three-day conference held at the Darwin Convention Centre will feature:
- Over 50 speakers from industry, research, government and private sector, including successful farmers from WA, NT and Qld
- Workshops, keynote and plenary sessions
- Ag Tech Forum
- Exhibition and displays
- Incredible social program showcasing the very best of Darwin and surrounds
The biennial Northern Australia Food Futures Conference, organised by NT Farmers Association, is now in its 5th year and plays an important role in showcasing the opportunities of the north, influencing policy creation and attracting investment to the area.
For more information and to register for next years conference visit
Regional representation sought for the Community Benefit Committee
Nominations are being sought for vacancies on the Community Benefit Committee to provide community representation for Katherine, Tennant Creek, Nhulunbuy and remote areas of the Territory.
The Community Benefit Committee is established by the minister responsible for the Gaming Control Act and provides advice to the minister in relation to some of the grant programs offered by the Community Benefit Fund (CBF) program.
The CBF provides grants of up to $250,000 to assist not-for-profit, Territory based organisations with community projects. The Funds’ programs include the major community organisation grants, the major community events grants and vehicle gifts.
The Committee is made up of at least three independent community members appointed by the minister for periods of up to three years. Administrative support for the committee is provided by the relevant department and the role of the committee is non-statutory.
In order to provide regional representation and input on this committee, the department is encouraging for nominations from regional and remote areas of the Territory.
The committee meets twice yearly and membership is for periods up to three years from 2021-2023. For more information on the committee responsibilities go to -
The Community Benefit Fund (CBF) is administered by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade funded by a levy on electronic gaming machines in licensed hotels.
Current water consultations

The Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security is seeking community feedback on the following consultation.
Georgina Wiso Water Allocation Plan
The Daly Roper Beetaloo Water Control District has been extended to allow development of the Georgina Wiso water allocation plan, which is one of the recommendations in the Final Report of the Scientific Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracturing in the Northern Territory. For more information, visit before Sunday 4 December 2022.
Draft Surface water take – Wet Season Flow Policy
The new policy takes a cautious approach of releasing less than 5% of surface water flow during the wet season for approved licence holders to store and use during the dry season. The current general policy on taking surface water in the Top End that allows up to 20% of surface water flow to be taken.
The new policy will provide greater clarity around taking surface water in the Top End during the wet season and provides a conservative approach. This consultation is open until 3 January 2023, go to for details.
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