Sustainable Business Solutions grant available


Territory businesses keen to reduce their waste, save money and help the Territory transition towards a circular economy can now apply for grants under the Sustainable Business Solutions program.

Grants ranging from $1,000 to $20,000 are available on a co-contribution basis for businesses to purchase equipment or technology aimed at reducing waste and improving recycling outcomes.

Examples of commercial equipment or technology that may be funded include, but are not limited to:

  • cardboard perforators
  • commercial worm farms
  • small scale compactors,  granulators or shredders
  • organics rapid decomposition units
  • food and waste monitoring equipment.

The Northern Territory Government (NTG) has partnered with the New South Wales Environment Protection Authority to use their Bin Trim Application to support implementation of the Sustainable Business Solutions grant program.

Interested businesses must complete the waste assessment as a pre-requisite to apply for the grant program.

Find out more about the grant.

Lady placing glass bottle into recycling bin

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