Buy local industry advocate
The buy local industry advocate is an independent link between local business and the Northern Territory Government.
The advocate will:
- provide an independent advocacy function
- focus on promoting the buy local principles to both industry and government
- provide an audit and assurance role about government procurement
- track the effectiveness of the buy local plan, including monitoring for unintended consequences.
As a member of the Procurement Review Board, they also chair a subcommittee focusing on buy local policies.
The advocate will investigate complaints from industry and conduct audits on the awarding and implementation of contracts.
They will ensure that:
- Territory enterprises have full, fair and reasonable opportunities to compete for government contracts
- value for Territory is considered in all aspects of government contracting
- promotes the adoption of buy local principles by industry.
As one of the roles of the Buy Local Industry Advocate is to act as an independent link between local business and the NT Government, the publishing of his annual report is an important way of reporting his observations and recommendations in respect to government procurement.
For more information, go to the Northern Territory Government website.
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