
Making an application to the Agents Licensing Fidelity Guarantee Fund

Who can apply to the fund

You can apply for compensation from the Agents Licensing Fidelity Guarantee Fund (the Fund), if you have suffered financial loss due to the misuse of trust monies or property by:

  • an agent licensed under the Agents Licensing Act 1979
  • a person performing the functions of a real estate professional (whether or not licensed).

How to make an application

  1. Prepare a statutory declaration

    Complete the statutory declaration template DOCX (24.5 KB), ensuring you provide all relevant details to support assessment of your claim.

    Collect all of the documents you need to support your claim.

  2. Submit your statutory declaration
    Submit your completed statutory declaration and supporting documents to our office at registrar.agentslicensing@nt.gov.au

What happens next

  1. Acknowledgment of receipt

    Within one week of receiving your application, we will send you an acknowledgment of receipt.

  2. Assessment of application

    The Registrar (the person who determines the outcome of your application) will review your application for completeness and eligibility.

    You may be contacted for additional information or clarification where necessary.

    In some instances, the Registrar might request you to take action in relation to the agent (or other person performing the functions of an agent) whose actions are alleged to have caused the loss.

    This can include requiring you to lodge an application with the NTCAT in relation to your claim.

    For more information, go to the NTCAT website.

    In the event that the Registrar does require you to take further action, we will notify you of this and provide you with more information and advice about the process.

  3. Decision

    The Registrar will make a determination on your application and notify you in writing of the decision, including the amount of compensation that is approved (if any).

    The decision notice from the Registrar will also inform you of the reasons for their decision.

  4. Payment of compensation
    The approved amount of compensation (if any) will be paid from the Agents Licensing Fidelity Guarantee Fund.

    We will engage with you to ensure any payments are made as soon as possible after approval.

Other important information

  1. Timing for making an application

    Generally, applications should be submitted within six months of you becoming aware of the loss. The Registrar can extend the period of time you have to make an application by up to two years.

    In some instances, where the Registrar has made an advertisement in relation to a particular agent inviting claims to be made, you have until the date specified in the advertisement to make a claim. The Registrar can extend the period of time you have to make an application by up to two years.

  2. Review of decision
    If you are unhappy with the Registrar's decision regarding your application, you have the right to seek a review from the Northern Territory Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NTCAT).

Current invitations to make claims

Below is the list of invitations to make claims that have been published by the Registrar.

Agent/s Date of publication End of notice period Details of publication

Milgate Real Estate Pty Ltd

Suzanne Milgate

24 October 2024

25 April 2025

Northern Territory Government 2024 G22 PDF (269.7 KB)

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29 March 2025, 9:23 pm